Friday, 20 June 2008

The Last of England

Just got back from a jaunt in the Lakes with Ian and Craig.

Scafell 3163 feet (Thursday 12th June)

Skiddaw 3054 feet (Saturday 14th June)

This was my last English 3000 footer (of 6 tops) so there was a tear in my eye.

The weather was lovely overall and much walking, drinking and eating was partaken.

Equine Endeavours

Eve's been going riding recently.

I wondered whether she would take to it or if it was a fad but she's really done well.
She started on 'walk-outs' which were basically her being led around for 30 minutes but now she's actually getting taught.
She concentrates very hard (see pic).
Alyson thinks she's a 'natural' (!) and has bought her a pink helmet cover........